We are constantly working in Spartanburg cleaning carpet and doing restoration work, it has been good to us!
Years ago, co-owner Samantha got her dream job in Spartanburg. This was well before she started working with Adam. She worked at a veterinary diagnostic laboratory. She dissected the difficult samples all the veterinary offices needed special help with, or when the got busy and needed help.
Samantha’s favorite position after working at the lab for years was under a microscope for hours getting all the details exactly right. After the lab closed down since there weren’t any positions open in the area. That was lucky for Adam – she decided to bring her detailed perceptive nature to Foothills Carpet Care.
Carpet Repair in Spartanburg SC
Foothills Carpet Care is proud to provide carpet repair and carpet cleaning services to the Spartanburg area. We specialize in saving carpets that would otherwise be replaced. So if your carpet is ripped, torn, stained, burned, wrinkly, or rippled – give us a call. We can probably help!